What is Respite Care and How can it Help?
We offer Respite Care at all three of our care homes in Stoke-on-Trent (link) and we see the big difference that this type of care can have both on residents and their families and Carers.
What is Respite Care?
Respite care literally means taking a break from caring. It provides temporary relief for the primary care giver, which can come in many forms, such as in-home respite care provided by friends, relatives or domiciliary care agencies, day care at an adult day care centre near you or in a residential home.
We offer both day care and residential respite care in stoke-on-trent and from experience we know that is a very important part of our care offering.
Day care or residential care can really help both those who are being cared for and their Carers. For Carers it can provide a much-needed break, time to catch up with friends, to look after their own wellbeing and most of all, a break from the pressures and responsibilities of being a Carer.
For those being cared for, respite care can offer a change of scene and routine. Although some of our clients have been more reluctant to stay with us for a while, we have often found that they soon start to enjoy being with others in different surrounding.
As well as 24-hour care, we provide a range of activities at our care homes, from crafts and creative days, to summer parties, visiting entertainment, themed activity days, exercise sessions and much more.
We also work hard to offer healthy, balanced and nutritious meals, meaning that overall our respite care can offer genuine benefits to the health and overall wellbeing of our temporary residents.
Who is Respite Care for?
Respite care can help in any situation where a full-time Carer needs to take a break. This may be to allow time to re-coup and rest, time to go on holiday, time to catch up with tasks that can be difficult to manage while being a full-time Carer or just time to be with family and friends.
How Long is Respite Care for?
Respite Care can come in the form of Day care, which usually lasts between 4 and 8 hours, or residential respite care which can be for anything between 1 week and a few months. The length of time for residential care just depends on your needs and those of your loved one.
Is Respite Care Right for You and Your Loved One?
It’s not always an easy decision to choose respite care for your loved ones. You may feel that you should be able to manage full-time care alone and unaided. You may be able to do this for the majority of the time, but rest is crucial for Carers if they are going to be able to continue to support those they love. In an airplane safety briefing they will tell parents to put their oxygen masks on before they help their child put on their mask. The same applies to Carers, they need to practice some self-care in order to maintain their own well-being and remain healthy and able to continue providing the hard work and support needed on a daily basis.
Equally your loved one may be resistant to the idea of being away from home. Agreeing the amount of time the break will be for and explaining the reasons for the respite care can help with this, as well as booking a visit with the day care or residential respite care home.
Will Respite Care Affect any of my Carer Benefits?
If you claim Carer benefits you may well be concerned about how respite care will affect this. The basic rule is that you can continue to receive your Carer's Allowance for up to four weeks in any six-month period if you have a break from caring.
However, the rules are complex and it is always a good idea to check the Carer's Allowance Unit website for more information.
How do I arrange Respite Care?
The first step is to find Respite Care near you and then organise a visit. We offer respite care in Stoke-on-Trent in all three of our care homes. You can contact us anytime for a chat about how we may be able to support you, to arrange a visit or to answer any of your questions.

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