We are monitored and inspected by our local Council.
We are also monitored, inspected and regulated by the Care Quality Commission to
ensure we provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and
they encourage us to improve. Because of this we sometime have to share
information with the CQC.
Please follow this link to the CQC website, to be able to take a look at the latest inspection reports for all of our
homes, and find out more about CQC
Our Promise to You
You can expect to be respected, involved and told what’s happening at
every stage
every stage
·You, or someone acting on your behalf, will be involved in discussions about your
care, treatment and support.
·You will get support if you need it to help you make decisions and staff will respect your
privacy and dignity.
·You will be given opportunities, encouragement and support to help you live as
independently as possible.
·Before you receive any examination, care, treatment or support, you will be asked
whether or not you agree to it.
You can expect care, treatment and support that meets your needs
·Your personal needs will be assessed to make sure you get safeand appropriate
care that supports your rights.
·You will get the care that you and your social care professional agree will make a
difference to your health and wellbeing.
·You will get the food and drink you need to meet your dietary needs.
·Your care needs are coordinated if you move from one care provider to another.
·Staff respect your cultural background, sex (gender), age, sexuality (whether you are
a lesbian, gay, bisexual or heterosexual person), religion or belief, and your
disability, if you have one.
care, treatment and support.
·You will get support if you need it to help you make decisions and staff will respect your
privacy and dignity.
·You will be given opportunities, encouragement and support to help you live as
independently as possible.
·Before you receive any examination, care, treatment or support, you will be asked
whether or not you agree to it.
You can expect care, treatment and support that meets your needs
·Your personal needs will be assessed to make sure you get safeand appropriate
care that supports your rights.
·You will get the care that you and your social care professional agree will make a
difference to your health and wellbeing.
·You will get the food and drink you need to meet your dietary needs.
·Your care needs are coordinated if you move from one care provider to another.
·Staff respect your cultural background, sex (gender), age, sexuality (whether you are
a lesbian, gay, bisexual or heterosexual person), religion or belief, and your
disability, if you have one.
You can expect to be safe
·You will be protected from the risk of abuse, and staff will respect your human
·You will be cared for in a clean environment where you are protected from the risk of
·You will get the medicines you need, when you need them, and in a safe way.
·You will be cared for in a safe and accessible place.
·You will not be harmed by unsafe or unsuitable equipment.
You can expect to be cared for by staff with the right skills to do their jobs
·You will be cared for by staff who have the knowledge, skills and experience needed
to meet your health and welfare needs.
·There will always be enough members of staff available to keep you safe and meet your needs.
·You will be looked after by staff who are well managed and have the chance to
develop and improve their skills.
You can expect your care home to routinely check the quality of its services
·The managers of your care home continuously monitor the quality of their services
to make sure you are safe.
·Your personal records, including medical records, will be accurate and kept safe
and confidential.
·You, or someone acting on your behalf, can complain and will be listened to. Your
complaint will be dealt with properly.
·You will be protected from the risk of abuse, and staff will respect your human
·You will be cared for in a clean environment where you are protected from the risk of
·You will get the medicines you need, when you need them, and in a safe way.
·You will be cared for in a safe and accessible place.
·You will not be harmed by unsafe or unsuitable equipment.
You can expect to be cared for by staff with the right skills to do their jobs
·You will be cared for by staff who have the knowledge, skills and experience needed
to meet your health and welfare needs.
·There will always be enough members of staff available to keep you safe and meet your needs.
·You will be looked after by staff who are well managed and have the chance to
develop and improve their skills.
You can expect your care home to routinely check the quality of its services
·The managers of your care home continuously monitor the quality of their services
to make sure you are safe.
·Your personal records, including medical records, will be accurate and kept safe
and confidential.
·You, or someone acting on your behalf, can complain and will be listened to. Your
complaint will be dealt with properly.

Our homes